Inside Education Reporter
Minister of Basic Education, Angie Motshekga, and Deputy Minister, Dr Reginah Mhaule co-chaired the National Consultative Forum (NCF) to review the progress made by the Basic Education Sector in strengthening school functionality and governance in South Africa.
The NCF took place at the DBE Conference Centre in Pretoria on 23 January 2024. The Forum, chaired by Minister Motshekga, included representatives from School Governing Body (SGB) Associations, including the Federation of Association of Governing Bodies (FEDSAS); the Governors’ Alliance (GA); the South African National Association for Special Education (SANASE); the National Association of School Governing Bodies (NASGB); the Governing Body Foundation (GBF); and the United Front for School Governing Bodies (UF4SGBs).

The NCF focused on critical aspects of improving school functionality in the country, with the determination to ensure the success of the 2024 school calendar. The issues discussed during the Forum included strengthening the participation of SGB Associations at the national level by reviewing the NCF’s Founding Document, reviewing national provincial interventions regarding existing harmful religious practices in schools, and preparing holistically for the 2024 SGB elections.
Explaining the SGB election processes, James Ndlebe, Chief Director for Planning and Implementation Support, emphasised the importance of adhering to guidelines. In preparation for the SGB elections, eligibility criteria were outlined, including mental health status, financial solvency, criminal convictions, and alignment with the category represented at the time of the election.
Co-opted members with and without voting rights were also considered, with elections conducted via secret ballot. The term of office for SGB members, except for the learner component, was limited to three years, whilst office-bearers served for one year. Vacancies could be filled by co-opted members with voting rights for a maximum of 90 days, after which a by-election would be held.
Various senior managers from various branches of the DBE were invited to attend the Forum. They presented key issues such as the discipline summit; school safety; Gender-Based Violence (GBV); post provisioning; progress reports on the Three Stream Model in the Basic Education Sector; and anticipated SGB post-election training.

The NCF, according to the DBE, was established to facilitate formal negotiations, discussions, and interactions between the DBE and SGB associations at a national level. Minister Motshekga acknowledged the NCF’s role in improving quality learning and teaching, emphasizing the need for effective communication amongst education stakeholders.
The Minister highlighted the critical role of SGBs in school management and governance, urging the sector to expedite SGB election processes.
In her closing remarks, Deputy Minister Mhaule stated that the Forum needed sufficient time for participants to share valuable inputs. The Forum scheduled its next sitting for 8 March 2024.