Nokuthaba Dlamini
Teachers are headed for a clash with government after the Zimbabwe Teachers’ Association (Zimta) yesterday officially declared they would down tools when schools...
Nompendulo Ngubane  Â
Hundreds of Grade R teachers from across KwaZulu-Natal protested outside the legislature in Pietermaritzburg on Thursday. They demanded that MEC for Education...
Nuraan Davids
Emotions ran high  at a high school south of Johannesburg in 2017 when the largely coloured community rejected the appointment of a black...
Subethra Pather
The opening up of South Africa’s universities after the end of apartheid has proved to be a double-edged sword. Enrolment figures have doubledfrom close...
Gugulethu K. Radebe
The Hate Crimes working group recently released a study which inspired a News 24 article headlined ‘Teachers, preachers, doctors, police and politicians...
Thabo Mohlala
Teacher unions have joined scores of trade unions and some civil and NGOs in slamming Finance Minister, Malusi Gigaba’s increase of the VAT...