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Friday, March 28, 2025


Charles Molele

1785 POSTS

Diligent work ethic leading to success in academics and sport #Grad23

“Trying to keep up with such a hectic degree and a demanding sport was exhausting, but I wouldn’t change it for the world”, Madibaz...

New funding model, skills development and infrastructure development among priorities in R133.8 billion DHET budget – Nzimande

EDWIN NAIDU SOUTH Africa is expected to get a new comprehensive student funding model, based on the considerations of a report which will be...

Minister Motshekga and DG share South African experience at Education World Forum

STAFF REPORTER BASIC Education Minister, Angie Motshekga, shared South Africa’s experience on the curriculum recovery plan for rebooting and rebuilding the schooling system during the...

Encourage culture of household reading for improved pupils’ reading skills: DBE

PHUTI MOSOMANE THE Department of Basic Education (DBE) highlighted several challenges affecting students' reading comprehension in schools during a parliamentary session on Tuesday. These...

UNISA vice-chancellor Professor Puleng Lenkabula stands firm amid growing calls for her to go

EDWIN NAIDU UNIVERSITY of South Africa Vice-Chancellor Professor Puleng LenkaBula is standing firm amid growing calls for her and the councils sacking over claims in...

South Africa’s reading crisis: 5 steps to address children’s literacy struggles

Catherine Kell, Carolyn McKinney, Robyn Tyler and Xolisa Guzula KUNYASHE is a Grade 1 pupil in Cape Town, South Africa. She’s very focused on her schoolwork. She shares...

Dignity denied as more than 3,000 schools in South Africa still use pit toilets

MOGOMOTSI MAGOME AT a high school in rural northern South Africa, more than 300 students and their teachers share three toilets, and that woefully lopsided...

Google celebrates Africa Day in quest for unity with six-new pocket galleries

STAFF REPORTER AS Africa gears up for Africa Day, an event that marks the founding of the African Union and celebrates the continent's quest for...

He once rummaged through dustbins, today Lordwick Kgatle, is climbing the corporate ladder

STAFF REPORTER IT pays to study but never forget one’s roots – that’s the advice from Lordwick Kgatle, who has not forgotten the days...

Select Committee on Education and Technology, Sport, Arts and Culture listens to annual performance plans

STAFF REPORTER THE Select Committee on Education and Technology, Sport, Arts and Culture has been engaging with the nine Provincial Education Departments (PEDs) on...

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